Zhongmou 120 concrete mixing plant equipment casts its brilliance with strength
In 2013, Zhengzhou Jianxin Machinery 120 concrete mixing station was stationed in Zhongmu. After five years, the construction and construction system of the 120-concrete mixing station of Jianxin Machinery was better, and there were spirals and belts, which have not been replaced yet. The equipment has not changed the powder and intermediate shaft since 2003, and the main components have not been damaged, and the operation is relatively normal. Zhengzhou Jianxin Machinery and Equipment is relatively stable. This is the first one. The failure rate is relatively low and the maintenance is convenient. This makes the Lieutenant's customers more satisfied.

Metering is a vital part of the concrete mixing plant system and is related to concrete mix and safety. Zhengzhou Jianxin Machinery 120 concrete mixing plant equipment has a two-pronged approach from mechanical structure and electrical control to achieve accurate metering. Powder, aggregate, water and liquid admixtures are all coarse and finely metered, automatic pulse control weighing, secondary metering, to ensure measurement accuracy, the sensor uses Toledo brand, powder is designed to be reasonable vent, the head is soft Connections, etc., effectively prevent the pull of the scale, the electronic control uses the automatic adjustment system of the drop, to minimize the measurement accuracy caused by the instability of the drop.
The lieutenant said that the weighing method of Zhengzhou Jianxin Machinery is basically revised every month. The revision is basically stable and there is no error. The error aggregate is within 2% of the reasonable range and the cement is within 1%. It is relatively stable and quite good.
Zhengzhou Jianxin Machinery 120
concrete mixing plant has good mixing quality, good environmental performance and low failure rate. It has performed well in many construction projects, and the market has responded strongly, setting off a wave of customer repurchase.
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