The different charge materia for concrete batching plant have distinct on dosing machine choose
As everyone knows, according to different of application the concrete batching plant have engineering and commercial concrete batching plant,the two kinds of concrete batching plant have different on charging material during working.Zhengzhou JianXin Machinery tells clients that in the configuration of concrete mixing station,feeding different need different dosing machine.Next, zhengzhou Jianxin machinery technician will give you more detail analysis.

Commercial concrete batching plant main mean used for commercial concrete producing,the concrete batching plant have strong producing so need strong dosing machine supply material for mixer. In order to improve the efficiency, Zhengzhou Jianxin machinery choose independent weighing dosing machine. No matter mixed how many kinds of aggregate can be used at the same time.When the dosing machine use belt conveyor machine, the mixer will remove lift hopper using with the belt.That's why JS1500 mixer of HZS90 no have hopper,But mixer of HZS75 have.
Engineering mixing station is generally service for engineering. In order to save engineering land and control the cost, it is better to choose hopper hoist for aggregate transportation. At the time, the mixer all will choose hopper type,and the hopper lift the aggregate in one time. Need lift all part of aggragate at the same time. Centralized weighing dosing machine can be centralized hopper finished all aggregate weighing work, then directly feed the material to mixer.
In the working of concrete mixing station, all parts of the equipment are complementary to each other so that the overall working ability of the concrete mixing station can be played well. Zhengzhou Jianxin machinery provides the overall configuration of the concrete mixing station, and provides different configuration plans according to clients needs ensure the maximization of the customers benefits.
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