Concrete batching machine model matching introduction
The concrete batching machine is the “big piece” equipment in the whole concrete mixing station system. If the wrong type and style are selected, the mixing output will be low and the concrete label will not meet the requirements. Therefore, the model should be selected when selecting.

The main types of concrete mixing plants currently produced by Jianxin Machinery are: JS500, JS750, JS1000, JS1500, JS2000, JS3000. The model of the batching machine: PLD800, PLD1200, PLD1600, PLD2400, PLD3200, PLD4800, the standard loading height of the sand and gravel batching machine is 2.8 meters. The batching machine has two binning batching machines, three binning batching machines, and four binning batching machines. Jianxin Machinery sales personnel will match the model according to the customer's specific production requirements. For example, the JS500 concrete mixer with P20 and C25 grade concrete and PLD800 or PLD1200 two warehouses and Sancang concrete batching machine can be used; how do you want to build a township? Set of HZS50 concrete mixing station, you can choose JS1000 concrete mixing station and PLD1600 concrete batching machine; how to build a standard commercial concrete mixing station, choose JS1000, JS1500, JS2000 and other concrete mixers and corresponding concrete batching machine models . Jianxin Machinery provides free equipment construction planning, installation and commissioning work, and chooses to build new machinery without worry.
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